God is not a Republican!

I’ve been shocked at myself over the last few years. See I am a very conservative person who has voted republican since 1986. Recently however God has been dealing with me over this. See my tendency is to believe there is salvation for my nation in the republican party. Oh sure if you ask me I would tell you that the only hope for America is Jesus, but then I would expound the virtues found in the republican party as the path we need to take.

Here is what I’m coming to realize God is not a republican, but neither is he a Democrat. So I have abandoned both parties in favor of the Gospel. Real hope and change isn’t found in the face of Obama, Mitch McConnell or any other elected official. It’s found in the gospel of Jesus Christ and in Him only.

I have come to believe that the biggest mistake the church has made in the 20th century was the moral majority movement. I say this because during this period the body of Christ in America quit relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to effect change, and instead relied upon the arm of flesh found in men and women who used us for political power.

As hard as it maybe to hear we need to realize that we forgot the power of God through His proclaimed word, and embraced a political ideology that replaced the call of daring faith for financial security and peace. So we aligned ourselves with men and women who give lip service to our beliefs while accepting bribes, kickbacks, and political favors.

We need to abandon our faith in these men and women and reestablish it in the gospel of Jesus Christ as the source of true security! As long as we are in Christ we are secure regardless of how the world treats us. I’m not saying don’t vote, rather I’m saying seek God first before voting. Keep politics in perspective and remember that we can bring about real change only if God is working with us as we spread the gospel of His son Jesus Christ!

Mark 16:20 They went out and proclaimed everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through the accompanying signs

I am still a conservative both socially and economically, only now I’ve decided that spreading my faith is more important than my political views. Because you know what? Socialists go to heaven if they believe in Jesus as Lord and savior!  Because socialism is an economic philosophy that has nothing to do with saving faith!